Jerome (Ace) Trombley was born in Canada on August 12, 1819, and died in Michigan on October 17, 1915, at the age of 96. He was a farmer by trade.

There are three sets of eggs in the Pember’s collection: 1879 American Woodcock (79.743), 1885 Macgillivray’s Warbler (79.410 collected for him by JW), 1887 Bell’s Vireo (79.347 collected for him by JWR)

There are nine sets of eggs in Williams’ collection. The set on display is from the Golden-winged Warbler collected in 1882. Interesting enough, a series of eggs (7 sets) from this bird collected by Jerome is noted in the February 1890 edition of the Ornithologist and Oologist.

He’s listed as an Associate Member since 1885 in the December 1888 American Ornithologists’ Union publication.
In a correspondence in the 1889 Ornithologist and Oologist, Jerome mentions he’s been interested in Oology since 1875 when the publication was established.

He is mentioned on page 294 in the Oologist 1893 “Raptors of Michigan” article by Scolopax about the American Rough-legged Hawk.

Additionally, he’s listed multiple times with his bird information in the 1893 Birds of Michigan, by the State Agricultural College, Zoological Department and A.J. Cook.

Jerome is listed in the 1898 Naturalist’s Directory on page 194 as being interested in “Ornithology, Oology, Conchology and Lepidology. He has a collection and is interested in exchange. He has eggs in sets, shells, and butterflies.”

Jerome donated quite a few mollusk specimens to the University of Michigan of Zoology division of Mollusks as he’s listed in their database. He also donated his field notes and copies of the USDA forms for bird sightings collected from the 1880’s to 1890’s in Petersburg, MI.

In the Auk, Vol. 26, No. 1, January 1909 Jerome’s data on the Yellow Rail is mentioned in the article by Norman A. Wood titled “Notes on the Occurrence of the Yellow Rail in Michigan.”