John S. and Laura Appleton
John Sparhawk Appleton was born October 22, 1867, in West Nubry, Massachusetts to Charles F. and Mary Appleton. He was named after his great-grandfather who was involved in Natural History. So, perhaps this spark was passed down to John.
In 1885 he placed several ads in the Young Ornithologist publications. (see gallery below)
In 1895 at the age of 28, he was president of the Nantucket Agricultural Society. He married in 1894 and had eleven children from 1895-1913.
He became a member of the Cooper Ornithological Club in 1901, and in 1919 a life member.
John is listed on the Federal censuses as a farmer or rancher beginning in 1900. He passed on January 11, 1959 at the age of 91.
Per Islapedia, he was an oologist who collected eggs on four California Channel Islands: Anacapa Island (1910), San Miguel (1906, 1910), Santa Cruz Island (1906), and Santa Rose Island (1910). His eggs sets are housed in at least seven institutions.
There are no egg sets by Appleton in the Pember collection, but Williams’ collection has 27 sets.