What would you call a roomful of art dioramas made of dressed up marshmallows and cardboard? We’re calling it the First Annual Pember Peeps Contest and it’s happening on Friday, May 3 for First Friday at The Pember Library and Museum in Granville, NY.
There are a dozen creations already submitted by members of the community, and more coming in daily. Peeps artists will be competing for the “PEEPle’s Choice” Award along with a twenty five dollar gift certificate for Edwards Market. A ballot box will be available for the public to cast their votes. To name a few of the themes: Peeper Museum, Story time with Miss Peeps and Peep-pei.
“Peeps art is very popular nationwide, and it’s really amazing how ordinary marshmallow figures get sculpted, dressed, back dropped and creatively arranged to express a theme,” said Ardyce Bresett, Pember Library Director. “It is family-friendly fun for all ages. Be sure to mark your calendar. Power to the Peeps…”
First Friday is May 3, from 7 to 9 pm and is a free event. A music play list will be provided.