Young Explorers started Thursday, January 23

Young Explorers is the museum’s and nature preserve’s after-school program beginning on Thursday, January 23, 2025 and will run through May 8. We’ll meet in the library from 3:30-4:30pm to explore the flora and fauna at the nature preserve. No program on 2/20 or 4/17.

We will be learning through flash cards and hands-on specimens with Professor Noggin games, crafts and snacks.

This is a no-cost program. We’ll discover animals of all sorts, ferns, fungus, flowers and trees. It’s educational and fun!

Registration will be necessary no later than the Tuesday before each class to insure we have enough supplies for all. Participants can come to one or come to all. Call 518-642-1515.


LIVE OWLS PROGRAMSaturday, January 25 in the Pember Library from 11am to 12pm by Trish Marki with Silent Wings Raptors Rehab and Education, a program of the Wildlife Institute of Eastern New York.  Come learn about the owls of our area and some that may not be residents. This is a free program open to everyone. Space is limited and we’ll start promptly at 11am. Registration is not necessary for the live program.

PELLET DISSECTING – Following the program, Museum Educator Bernie will hold a pellet dissecting class from 12-12:45. Registration is required for the class as space is limited to 15. Call 518-642-1515 to reserve your spot in the class. As of 1/8/25, there are only 3 spots left.

OWL WALK – If you would like to possibly listen to owls in the night, join John Hess, the Pember Director at the South Grimes Hill Road entrance to the Pember Nature Preserve from 6:00-7:30pm. Weather-permitting. Bring a flashlight or wear a head lamp. Dress accordingly. Registration is not required.