All programs take place at the Porter Schoolhouse (our Nature Center – 6937 SR 22, Hebron) unless otherwise noted. Please note that parking is limited. The Preserve is open from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Enjoy!

We are currently in-between Naturalists. Bear with us as we look to fill this position.


ANIMAL TRACKS & SIGNS – Saturday, February 15 – 10:30am to 12:00pm

Registration required by Tuesday, February 11th. Free program to ages 6 and older. Join Bernie at the Pember Nature Preserve for a tracks program in the schoolhouse followed by a hike. We’ll be painting a premade bobcat track and everyone will receive a tracks card. Please call the museum at 518-642-1515 to register or send us a message through Facebook.

OWL WALK – Saturday, January 25, 6-7:30pm

If you would like to possibly listen to owls in the night, join John Hess, the Pember Director at the South Grimes Hill Road entrance to the Pember Nature Preserve from 6:00-7:30pm. Weather-permitting. Bring a flashlight or wear a head lamp. Dress accordingly. Registration is not required.