Our hours this week 3/2-3/6: Tues 1-5, Wed 1-3, Thurs 2-5, Fri 1-5 & Sat 10-1.
Winter ice storm
The library and museum will be closed today due to another winter storm. We should have the parking area and sidewalks cleared of ice by tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 17 when we open from 1:00-5:00pm.
Museum Hours
AND yet another snow storm is upon us. The museum will not be open today, February 9. Our hours will resume tomorrow from 1:00-5:00. Please note that on Thursday, February 11, the museum will open at 2:00pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Pember Board Meeting February 18, 6 PM
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the third Thursday of each month at the Pember. The meeting will be conducted following social distancing guidelines. To attend the meeting virtually, please contact the library by 9 AM on the meeting day at pember.library@gmail.com for the log-in information.
Snow day 2-2-2021
The Pember is closed today.
Snow Forecast
The Museum will be closed today due to the weather forecast of heavy snow. Stay in, stay safe. We should be back open tomorrow, Wednesday Jan. 27 from 1-5.
Pember returns to inside service
The Pember will return to inside appointments this week (beginning January 19). Please call to make an appointment to browse the stacks.
Appointments are not required to pick up pre-ordered books. Hours this week are Tuesday to Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-1.
Museum opens 1/19
As of Jan. 19th the Museum will back open with our hours being Tues-Fri. 1-5pm and Sat. 10-1. As before, face coverings will be required. You may pop-in for a visit as we are not that busy OR if you would like, an appointment can be made for your visit. Our phone number is 518-642-1515. We look forward to seeing you!
Pember returning to curbside-only service
Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Granville, the library will be returning to curbside-only services starting Tuesday, January 12.
We will re-evaluate next weekend and make a decision then if we will remain curbside only or return to inside appointments.
To request curbside service you may send an email to pember.library@gmail.com, OR leave a message on our answering at 518-642-2525. Include your name, phone number and a list of items requested. Speak clearly and slowly.
You may also request items through the SALS system https://pac.sals.edu/polaris/Search/default.aspx?ctx=80.1033.0.0.3
In addition, because the library will be closed to visitors, the Museum will be closed as well.
Pember Board Meeting January 21, 6PM
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the third Thursday of each month at the Pember. The meeting will be conducted following social distancing guidelines. To attend the meeting virtually, please contact the library pember.library@gmail.com for the log-in information.
The Pember will remain closed today, December 18, while we all dig out from the three feet of snow we got! Stay safe.
Due to the impending storm, the Pember will be closed tomorrow, December 17. We will reopen at 1PM on Friday
Pember board meeting cancelled
The Pember board meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, December 17, has been cancelled.
Buy it now
We have too many jewelry items to list in the regular auction, so we decided to make them “buy-it-now.” Items with blue tags are $5 and those with red tags are $10. Stop in to the Pember to see them all. These will be on sale from Oct 1-17.
Upcoming Auction Oct 13-17
Check out our Fundraising page
Here is where you’ll find all the information for our upcoming online auction fundraiser October 13-17.
Jordan Flower art show 8-23
The next stage of reopening
Our reopening plans change week by week. The next stage in our reopening will begin July 29. Browsing will be allowed by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Wednesdays and Fridays. These appointments will be in 15-minute increments.
We will also have one public computer available. Half hour time slots will be offered by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
The childrens’ room will remain closed. Picture books and easy readers can be preordered (see below).
*The library is not open for social gatherings or nonessential meetings at this time.
We will continue to provide curbside service for those who need it. People may stop in to pick up their pre-ordered books Tuesday-Friday, 1-5 and Saturday 10-1. Face coverings are required and there’s one-way traffic.
You may pre-order by calling the library at 642-2525. The answering machine is on.
Or you can send a note to pember.library@gmail.com.
Or you may request through the card catalog. https://pac.sals.edu/polaris/Search/default.aspx…
Summer Reading – Activity Kit 3
Our third activity kit is Journals and fractured fairy tales. Imagine your story using the story hints. Then write in your journal. There are pencils, colored pencils, a sharpener, some stickers etc etc. This picture asks you to rewrite the story of the Princess and the Pea from the viewpoint of the prince. I tried it. It isn’t easy! But it was fun. My story involves a Prince named Hartley, three beautiful girls named Isobel, Rosalind, & Sadie and Queen Morrigan and King Rory and of course a pea (or two or three?).
Anyway call the library or email to reserve a journal kit for your family.
Don’t forget to join our online summer reading: You can sign up at https://pemberny11.readsquared.com/
and keep track of your reading there. Or print out paper logs https://gralib.sals.edu/summer-reading-3/
to keep track and return to the library in September.
Expanded Library Hours
You may enter our building through the front door. You can pick up your pre-orders or ask us to put something on hold. No browsing or internet access yet.
This week the hours will be Tuesday-Friday, 1-5 and Saturday 10-1. Face coverings are required and there’s one-way traffic. If you still require curbside, we will be happy to deliver to your vehicle.
You may pre-order by calling the library. 642-2525 . The answering machine is on.
Or you can send a note to pember.library@gmail.com.
Or you may request through the card catalog. https://pac.sals.edu/polaris/Search/default.aspx… Not all libraries are filling inter-library loans yet but some are. Or you can choose from items in our building by selecting Pember at the top left down arrow “Library”
Pember building open with limited access
The Pember Library will allow limited access to our building beginning July 7.
(through the front door only)
Tuesday through Friday 1-4, Saturday 10:30-noon
We will continue curbside service for those who need it. Books still must be requested ahead of time by phone or email. You may also request through the online catalog but ILL with other libraries in our system has not started yet.
Your returns must be left in the outside drop box.
There will be no late fees for books due during the pandemic.
Library (518 642-2525)
Email pember.library@gmail.com
We are unable to accept donations of used books, videos etc. PLEASE don’t leave them here.
Summer Reading – Activity 2
Our newest “Imagine your Story”: activity is this Inspiration Jar. Call the library to reserve one for your family.
The directions say:
Turn the jar a few turns and see what items catch your eye. Or dump it all out on a paper plate and pull a few items from the jar and create a story about them. Use color, shapes, textures, lines, letters, & forms. Tell someone or write your story on paper.
NOT intended for small children. There are many small pieces.
Julie offered to do the writing.
She started. “Well, it’s not really a story, more a memory. That wooden spool reminds me of my Grandma Marie. One Christmas, I think I must have been eight years old, she made me a blue coat. I can just picture it. I don’t remember wearing it but I remember opening the package on Christmas morning.”
Jennie said, “I want to go next! See that shell? My story is about going to the ocean. I can smell the sea air, hear the crashing waves. I walk across the beach on a hot August afternoon. There are other people there, someone sunning themselves, another under an umbrella reading a paperback, somebody else is playing a game on their phone. This is my first ever trip to Maine, to the ocean! I can’t wait to feel the water. Oh, oh, OH. I can’t believe it’s so cold.”
“Alice, what catches your eye?”
“See that dog Christmas ornament? I have so many memories of dogs that lived with us through the years. OK, here’s my story.
“Once upon a time there was a dog named Cassie. It was her first Christmas with the Thurber family. Seven year old Dawn Alice had told Cassie that Santa was coming tonight so Cassie was trying very hard to stay awake. She tried to remember all the holiday things that had happened so far in December. There was the tree lighting in the village park, the festival of wreaths at the library, the tractor parade, and all the school concerts. Cassie had even been included on the family hay ride out at the Fir Sure Christmas Tree Farm. She looked out the window and saw the ‘reindeer food’ Dawn Alice and her brother Timothy had left in the driveway. Cassie fought sleep but eventually it overtook her. She slept a while and awoke part way when she heard some noises (on the roof?) but fell right back to sleep. Cassie could smell bacon cooking, and hear Dawn Alice and Timothy giggling over near the tree. Colorful boxes with shiny ribbon in all shapes and sizes surrounded the tree. And Look! The puppy shaped stocking on the mantle was overflowing with doggie treats and toys.”
Eliza said, “I guess it’s my turn. I keep looking at those scrabble tiles. They remind me of my aunt. She gave me a scrabble game when I was young. She would play against me. I don’t remember if I won or lost just that it’s a really good memory of her. I love to play Words with Friends now. I sure wish she was still around so we could play again!”
Museum Reopening
The Museum is set to reopen on July 14 (1-5pm) after being closed for four months during the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, things will not be back to normal. Before coming to visit the museum, please make sure you do not have a fever, cough, fatigue, or shortness of breath or have been out of state within two weeks of your visit. Face coverings will be required and social distancing (6 feet) expected. Hand sanitizers will be available at the museum entrances.
Our hours will be Tuesday-Friday, 1-5pm and Saturday 10-1.
We don’t know what the future will bring but we hope that you will be here with us.

Lucy is getting older. We have recently faced several visits to the vet clinic with her, with issues that unfortunately come with aging. We find a need for extra funds for Lucy to cover vet visits, medicines and looking ahead to the end of life care. Lucy has been a faithful loving companion to many people who visit the Pember; some drop in just to spend time with her. We are asking, if you are able, to consider donating money toward Lucy’s care. Please send contributions to the Pember Library, 33 West Main Street, Granville NY 12832. Indicate your donation is for “Lucy.” Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: for those who have asked about online donations, there’s a donate button under the catalog at https://pember.sals.edu/ . Please mark any donation “for Lucy.” Thank you.

“Time spent with cats is never wasted”. Sigmund Freud
Clay Mushroom Mini Tutorial
Want to create a clay mushroom but don’t want to sit through the entire Fungus Among Us program? Here’s instructions in under three minutes.
Fungus Among Us
Program video from the Pember Nature Preserve.
Summer Reading – Activity Kit 1
The Dahls are working on their summer reading. Our theme this year is “Imagine your Story.”
The first activity kit is story cubes. The directions are in the kit. You just cut out your story cube, fold along the lines and tape or glue each one into a cube. There are people, places, objects, and animal cubes. The combination of pictures will prompt ideas for magical and exciting stories. Younger children can tell the stories aloud and older ones can practice writing out the story. Contact the Pember to reserve a kit for your family.
Virtual Exhibit for Path Thru History Weekend